Climate is the weather or average temperature of a place for a long period of time.
Climate Change is the variation in the weather after a period of time.
Our climate is always changing after a certain period of time but the increasing frequency and temperature is the cause to worry about. Our India is the only country which has all types of climate and now it is one of the most vulnerable countries to face extreme climate change.
Even as a developing country, it is still dependent on climate for its agriculture. And the increasing population and poverty adds-on to the problem.
The changing global warming has adversely affected our global climate. This has fluctuate our weather temperature. And thus, increases the burden on energy. As the usage of energy has been increased to provide more comfort to the human life. Air conditioners has been made to provide lower temperature in hot weather, battery vehicles have been made to provide more comfort in travelling, solar panels have been installed to use solar energy and a lot has been done to use wind, solar, hydro , chemical energy.
The energy we made from coal, natural gas, petroleum, etc. is non-renewable in nature as these types of resources are limited in nature and cannot be replenished. To escape form this situation, humans are finding new ways to transfer renewable resources into energy.
In 21 st century, where technology is getting advanced day by day we cannot imagine our life without power. Everything we use from the time we wake up to the time we sleep, every single step of ours is depended on energy. It can be in any form like the phones we use; the television we watch; the vehicle we use to go our work place to, everything needs energy to be used.
The increasing global warming has not only affected the climate but also has an adverse effect on human health and many species of flora and fauna.
Humans are facing many skin related problems and infectious diseases because of this. The change in temperature, precipitation and other environmental factors has affected the food, water, air and weather. This change has increased the health risks and also the digestive system and reproductive system of the body.
The species of flora are also getting extinct because of the increasing temperature.
SDG 7 or Sustainable Development Goals 7 aims to ensure that by 2030 everyone should have access to modern, affordable and reliable energy sources. Also this scheme has 7 targets to achieve, that’s why this is also known as Goal 7, which help the future generation also to have access to both renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
Climate change has also results in droughts, floods, earthquakes, storms, rising sea level and extreme weather. This is happening because of the extreme change in greenhouse gases. Burning of fossil fuels, transportation, factories, etc. have resulted in the release of the harmful air pollutants that has affected the environment and human health.
Various laws has been passed by our government to ensure that there should be enough for everyone and no one should be deprived of any resource but wastage of resources should keep in check, such as Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1982; Atomic Energy Act, 1982; The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980; The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972; Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; etc.
- In MC Mehta v. UOI, AIR 1987 SC 1086 (Oleum Gas Leak Case), the Supreme Court said that these hazardous industries are important for the country’s development but there must be some rules to keep human life and environment safe from them. This was the first time when a company help absolute liable for its actions.
- In the case of TN Godavarman Thirumulpad vs. Union of India and Ors., the laws had been made to carry out various environmental activities efficiently and smoothly.
- In the case of Samit Mehta Vs. Union of India, National Green Tribunal held that ship sinking accident has led to the marine pollution. Therefore, environmental compensation of Rs. 100 crores was imposed.
- In the case of Municipal Council, Ratlam Vs. Shri Vardhichand, the Supreme Court instructed the Municipal Corporation of Ratlam to follow the order of Sub Divisional Magistrate of Ratlam City and take necessary steps to protect the area from pollution due to alcohol plant flowing.
Climate Education is very important to understand the current situation of the climate and its impacts on our lifestyle. The knowledge and awareness will help to curb the climate change.
We can do it by starting campaigns and programmes in colleges, schools, and universities on climate change and the process for its adaption. The procedures and techniques to reduce carbon dioxide emission and promote energy which do not harm the environment should also be taught. The methods to deal with emergency problems such as floods, earthquakes should also be taught. It will help them to adapt the climate changes easily.
Afforestation and less usage of greenhouse gases should also be encouraged to bring back the balance in the atmosphere.
This Covid-19 period demands this type of education in our education system so that students must be able to adapt any unforeseen change in the nature without any obstacle. And because our world was not prepared for pandemic like this we have faced many problems either its related to economy or health.
To deal with climate changes energy laws is the key. As, energy laws aims to balance climate with efficient and effective use of resources. Our country has increased awareness in this regard which shows a slow pace shift from non-renewable resources to renewable resources. As, India is a developing country it needs more electrical, hydro, thermal energy for its infrastructure and development.
Now, both private and public sectors deal with the business of energy. This has given a push to rural electrification and also had decreases the losses which the public sector has facing before this period.
Thus, in order to achieve sustainability of energy in future, government is taking many initiatives and supporting renewable energy.