Sh. Raj Singh Niranjan is the Managing
Partner of Trans India Law Associates (,
the largest Law firm in the World in Energy Sector.
What started as a simple Legal practice in 1984 is
today a global provider of Energy Laws, solutions,
covering Solar, Wind, Hydro, Thermal and Corporate
Laws services in over 723 Districts across INDIA
supported by 10,786 Professionals (Attorneys/ CA/
CS/ Experts), 51 Global Legal Partners and 9
representative offices (BANGLADESH - Dhaka, CHINA - Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, CAMROON,
MAYANMAR, NEPAL- Kathmandu, POLAND- Warsaw,
SOUTH KOREA- Seoul, UAE-Dubai).
Mr. Niranjan vision and leadership have led TILA to become the fastest-growing
Indian-owned Law Firm in the world, and also Legal Adviser to International
Solar Alliance (ISA), the first UN/Inter-Governmental body to have Head
Quarters in India.
Mr. Niranjan is a published author in key industry publications, a sought-after
speaker, and Father of ‘Right to Energy’ movement and a philanthropist. He
has been Speaker in SNEC-Shanghai, GBF-Guangzhou, National Power
Training Institute (NPTI), Central Board of Irrigation & Power (CBIP), National
Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) and is an advocate for Right to Energy to be
included as a Fundamental Right in all the Constitutions of the World and as a
basic Human Right in Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
As the Parivartan Achievers Award 2017 Winner for Excellent achievement in
the “Legal Field”, Mr. Niranjan is invited across the world for Regulatory
solutions especially in Energy events.
He is a person of eminence, ability, standing and experience in Law. He has special knowledge and Practical Experience in Legal Literature especially laws relating to Constitution of India, Electricity Act, 2003 and Human Rights. He is a Law Graduate (LLB) from Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. Besides being an alumni of prestigious Raj Kumar College (RKC), Raipur and The Daly College, Indore he also has Masters Degree in Management (with First division & Distinction) from IIPS, Indore. Sh. Niranjan has worked for inter alia BSES Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL), Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Statuary body under Ministry of Law, Justice & Company Affairs, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Ministry of Food Processing Industry, Govt. of India and Dept. of Animal husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
As a group leader of Legal Aid Clinic he coordinated legal aid activities in Juvenile Courts, Beggars Courts and Tihar Jail. As a leading jurist Sh. Niranjan, in many ways, has made exceptional and distinguished service of high order towards the advancement of Legal Literature in India. Sh. Niranjan has written books on Law including Guide to Electricity Laws in India and his articles are regularly published in leading law/technical journals of India.
Education & Court Admissions
- LLB, Law from Delhi University
- MMS, Management from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya
- Schooling from The Daly College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh & Raj Kumar College, Raipur, Chattisgarh
Leadership & Honors
- Counsel for Govt. of India for Supreme Court.
- Panel Advocate for Suprmee Court for Bhakra Beas Management Board [Govt. of India]
- Legal Advisor to Rail Line Development Authority.
- SJVN Ltd [Jt. Venture of Govt. of Himachal Pradesh & Govt. of India] ,
- M.P. Agro Industries Corporation [Govt. of M.P.]. Practicing as an Advocate for various Court litigation and Arbitration matters in Delhi including cases before Supreme Court of India,
- Delhi High Court & Appellate Tribunal of Electricity
- Specialties: Electricity Act, 2003
- Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
- Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
- Constitution of India, 1950
- Right to Information Act, 2005
- Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA)
- All India Management Association (AIMA)
- Computer Society of India (CSI)
- Bar Council of Delhi (BCD)
- Delhi High Court Bar Association (DHBA)
- Old Dalyan Association (ODA)
- New Delhi Bar Association (NDBA)
- International Council Of Jurists (ICJ)
In addition, Mr. Niranjan has served on pro bono basis as President of Resident Welfare Foundation(RWA) and Hon. Secretary of the DR. VIJAY FOUNDATION, which is a non-profit organization working in the field of Health, Education, Environment, livelihoods and Advocacy & Empowerment.
Contact Details
Mobile: +91-9810070075
Email: [email protected]